W/B HIDTA Investigative Support Center Completes 2020 Primary Intelligence Requirements Report for Public Safety and Public Health Professionals
The 2020 Primary Intelligence Requirements (PIR) report, completed by W/B HIDTA investigative Support Center (ISC) analysts, focuses on the primary drug threats in the W/B HIDTA’s geographic area of responsibility. Throughout the year, ISC analysts focus their efforts on developing information and intelligence on the structure, process, and function of the organizations responsible for trafficking drugs, committing drug-related crime and violence, laundering drug money, and engaging in gang activity within the W/B HIDTA region. Each PIR also identifies intelligence gaps, and provides recommendations and conclusions.
ISC analysts collect information from law enforcement, treatment and prevention professionals, and open sources to assess the threat. PIR reports provide strategic and operational intelligence on the following:
- Cocaine
- Heroin and Fentanyl
- Marijuana,
- Money Laundering
- Methamphetamine
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Synthetic Drugs
- Gangs
- Human Trafficking
Public safety and public health personnel, including those from other HIDTA programs can obtain the PIR for official use only by contacting the ISC at watch@wb.hidta.org. The W/B HIDTA is thankful for the support of the National HIDTA Assistance Center for its development and printing of the 2020 report.