PMP Data Sharing
To assess the performance of the individual HIDTA regions and the overall performance of the HIDTA Program, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) relies on the Performance Management Process (PMP). PMP is a data-driven process that measures change over time for the individual HIDTA regions and collectively for the HIDTA Program in assessing performance. Among other data sets, the PMP database is a repository for information about HIDTA-funded training, information and intelligence sharing, and drug and asset seizures. The HIDTA Program realizes value in allowing researchers access to the PMP drug seizure data, especially when the data is used in research projects that compare it with other data sets.

Although PMP drug seizure data does not represent the total amount of illicit or diverted drugs seized in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and two territories, it may as an example, when compared with other data sets, shed light on the:
- Availability of popularly abused drugs,
- Emergence of new substances of abuse, or
- Existing or emerging drug trafficking routes.
ONDCP recognizes the value PMP drug seizure data has for research and encourages the scholarly use of this data.
Please review the Research Guidelines and Procedures before submitting.