Biden Administration’s FY 2023 National Drug Control Budget Request Highlights Include $293.5M for HIDTA Program

Biden Administration’s FY2023 National Drug Control Budget Request Highlights Include $293.5M for HIDTA Program

Last month, Office of National Drug Control Policy Director (ONDCP) Dr. Rahul Gupta presented the Biden Administration’s FY 2023 National Drug Control Budget Request. The proposed budget notes that, “Since 2016, overdose death numbers rose a staggering 44 percent, reaching a historic high of 91,799 confirmed deaths in 2020. This was a greater rate of increase than for any other type of injury death in the United States.”

Director Rahul Gupta stated, “This budget supports the Administration’s ongoing work to expand access to evidence-based treatment, reduce the flow of illicit drugs like fentanyl from entering our communities, and prevent overdose. It also includes significant investments for evidence-based prevention and harm reduction services that are critical to saving lives. With these new resources, the Administration will build on the decisive actions taken this past year and comprehensively address two of the big drivers of the overdose epidemic – untreated addiction and drug trafficking profits.”

The President’s FY 2023 budget requests $42.5 billion for National Drug Control Program agencies, a $3.2 billion request over the FY 2022 Continuing Resolution level. The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program will receive $293.5 million as part of the request. Further, the largest increases in the funding request will be used to support drug treatment (1.6B increase) and drug prevention ($848M increase). Notably, the budget request represents an historic high of 57.1 percent of drug control resources targeted for demand reduction programs and activities.

For more detailed information on the President’s budget request, click here.