Washington / Baltimore HIDTA Initiatives
Law Enforcement
The W/B HIDTA funds 43 individual law enforcement initiatives developed to identify and disrupt/dismantle drug trafficking organizations and money laundering organizations; reduce drug-related crime and violence; and identify and respond to emerging drug trends. Federal, state and local law enforcement from over 80 different agencies work in HIDTA-funded initiatives.
2023 HIDTA Results:
- $10.02: Return on investment for the W/B HIDTA’s law enforcement activities, calculated as the ratio of the W/B HIDTA’s investigative budget to the wholesale value of drugs, money, and other assets seized from traffickers for every HIDTA dollar spent.
- Over 1.1 M: Number of fentanyl pills removed from the marketplace in the W/B HIDTA region
- $117.2M: Wholesale value of the drugs seized by HIDTA-sponsored initiatives
- $138,175,180: Total value of drugs, money, and other assets removed from the marketplace by HIDTA-sponsored initiatives
- 108: Number of drug trafficking/money laundering organizations disrupted or dismantled by HIDTA-sponsored initiatives

The initiatives are collocated in 32 sites across the region, with each site linked electronically to the HIDTA Investigative Support Center (ISC). Using the latest in law enforcement technology, the ISC collects, analyzes and disseminates information and intelligence on drug trafficking, money laundering, violence, gangs and weapons trafficking to support HIDTA initiatives and participating agencies.
W/B HIDTA law enforcement initiatives are spread throughout Maryland, DC, Virginia, and West Virginia. They include partnerships between local and state law enforcement and various federal agencies including the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), US Postal Inspection Services (USPIS), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), US Park Police, Department of State, US Secret Service, and the US Marshal Service.